Thursday, December 30, 2010

Preparing for 2011...

It’s the end of 2010 and really, thank God, because this year isn’t going down on the books as one of my favorites ever… Between natural disasters, accidents, injuries, and illness, my inner circle of family and friends have had a rough year… I turned 30, not one that I was looking forward to, and now with this shoulder surgery, my style is being cramped… Complaining only gets a couple sentences of my time, so let’s move on to the reflection that this time of year provokes…

 Coach John Wooden

Sleeping in a chair and having the Ambien fail typically around 3am (I promise I’m not already complaining again) has given me plenty of opportunity to reflect.  I have thought about lots of different things in the early hours of the day while listening to the hum of my circulating ice machine, the sounds of George sleeping, and occasionally the R&B/Soul or Radiohead channel on Pandora.  I thought about how uncomfortable I have been through this process and, aside for being grateful for being in the financial position to have an awesome surgeon and physical therapist and to be able to fix the issue, I thought about what I can do to avoid ever going through this again.  Interestingly enough, a quote from coaching great John Wooden kept popping into my head.  Coach Wooden said, “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.”  Without going into the deep philosophical thoughts that I had surrounding my injury and my failing to prepare, I will say that it is around this quote that my resolutions for 2011 center.

My resolution this year is to be prepared for what I can prepare for.  I resolve to be prepared to live a better, healthier life.  I resolve to be prepared to be a better wife, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, and a better citizen.  I resolve to be prepared to be a better teammate and prepared to contribute more to my team.

Father's Day 2010
A family that surfs together, stays together... =)

In year’s past, I have been one of those people who resolve to not make a resolution because I’d “blow it” in the first few weeks of the year anyway or I’d set totally unrealistic goals and feel like crap when I didn’t achieve them.  This year, I am resolving to resolve more frequently—to refocus and regroup when I experience setbacks… To accept that it doesn’t have to be an “all or nothing” mentality in achieving my goals—that this year brings a life long resolution.  This is not saying that I think I can be prepared for everything.  Life happens, and I love that life happens because it’s where we learn how much we love our family and how great our friends are.

I am prepared to make 2011 a great year.  It’ll be the year my shoulder gets healthy and I’ll get to surf and paddle again. The year my baby sister graduates from Rutgers University.  And the year that I prepare to make a better life for George and I, and for those we love around us.   


Monday, December 27, 2010

The Beginnings of a New Blog...

When I think about what makes me happy, the first two things that come into my head are backpacks and sandy feet... To me, there's nothing better.  Backpacks get my books and my clothes to my next destination and sandy feet... well... I chose sandy feet because it was better than putting something about drippy sinuses in the title of a blog... who wants to hear about that? In all seriousness though, because blogging is such a serious business, I love sandy feet.  It means I've been surfing or paddling or playing volleyball or even just reading a book on the beach.  I am not one of those people who don't like to get sandy at the beach...   

Pretty much every trip I've ever taken somehow revolved around surfing or the ocean.  It wasn't until I was out of the house and out in the "real world" that I realized how lucky I was growing up and cruising all over the coast of California and Baja with some trips to Mainland Mexico thrown in for good measure.  My husband, George, and I have the same love of surfing and of traveling and together, have been fortunate enough to be able to surf some of the most sought after waves in Baja, California, Hawaii, and Bali, Indonesia.  We truly are blessed to be living the dream.

Off on another adventure--Mainland Mexico circa a long time ago.
With my parents and my dad's friends, Dave and Spencer

This photo is amazing.  I love the backpack that I was carrying--my tiny blue backpack with balloons on it--overflowing with books and arts and craft supplies for the trip.  More than that though, my mom looks gorgeous in this photo.  It's one of my favorites of her from when I was growing up.  And it really makes me miss my sun-kissed long hair.

Palapas & a good place to take a siesta -- Still important parts of my life!!

I'm excited about this blog.  I'm excited to get back to writing more than 420 characters at a time. And I'm excited for my next adventure with a backpack and sandy feet.  Stay tuned...